Volker Bourne AI Kwadvido

Volker Bourne AI Kwadvido is a demonstration of the kwadvido presentation of vertical videos.


The kwadvido presentation is based on using a Vertical Video Frame Surround to frame four others.

It provides a means by which existing vertical videos can be re-used or where four pieces of fresh content can be given a fifth way to be displayed.

Volker Bourne Ai Kwadvido Linker Image

The kwadvido concept was created on 4th February2024. See https://polyonom.com/kwadvido

Attropiation / Attropiate

The style of presentation is offered as “Mimiclaism Invited“.

Which means you are positively encouraged to reuse the concept and content to create your own web creations – on the understanding that attropiation (acknowledgement) is provided by way of a link – preferably an active hyper link – back to the piece or pieces used – and/or similar links to www.mimicalism.com

Thank you for your time.

Chris @