Ideosemada #3 – tritopcio
Tritopcio is a polyonom created in 2023 as a third option to the “red pill” and “blue pill” binary choice popularised in the Matrix film series.
The polyonom (aka neologism or new word) word is formed of the Anglicised Greek for “third” (trito) and the Esperanto for “option” (opcio).
It is an example of ideosemada and is recognised as being ideosemada #3.

The initial images and videos feature a blue and red pill with a central band showing the image of the tritokreuz. The original thinking behind tritopcio was “a third option that transcends the binary”.
That asserts that the red pill and blue pill choices are both limited and ultimately unsatisfying, as they both represent a kind of false consciousness.
The red pill choice leads to a world of harsh reality, while the blue pill choice leads to a world of comfortable illusion.
Tritopcio, on the other hand, represents an alternative way of seeing the world that is neither limited nor false.
The concept of tritopcio has been further developed by other thinkers, who have offered their own interpretations of what it means.
Some have seen it as a way of transcending the limitations of the material world. While others have seen it as a way of finding a middle ground between opposing viewpoints.
Ultimately, the meaning of tritopcio is up to the individual to decide. However, it is a concept that offers a way of thinking about the world that is both challenging and liberating.
Here are some other possible interpretations of tritopcio:-
A third way that is neither red nor blue, but something entirely new.
A way of seeing the world that is not limited by binary thinking.
A way of transcending the limitations of the material world. A way of finding a middle ground between opposing viewpoints.
A way of living in harmony with the universe.
The meaning of tritopcio is still evolving, and it is up to each individual to decide what it means to them. However, it is a concept that has the potential to profoundly change the way we think about the world.
Thank you for entertaining the possibilities offered by this ideosemada, tritopcio and other polyonoms. Most importantly – thank you for your time.